Friday, July 1, 2016

President Ames' Last Zone Conference!‏ May 30, 2016 Week Forty-eight

Hey y'all!

This was a really great week. We had our quarterly Zone Conference, and in my opinion, it was the best one so far. The Spirit was so strong! At every Zone Conference of ours we have a part near the end where any Missionary who will be home before the next Zone Conference can bear their testimony to the other missionaries, and this time was really special for a number of reasons. First off, I got to hear my trainer give his departing testimony, which almost made me cry. Then, our Mission President and his wife gave one, during which we all cried. Also, about half of us were recording it, and so we all rewatched it multiple times.

I'm pretty drained right now to be honest. Over the past four days, we've spent about thirty hours at the church for random Missionary meetings, which really took the energy of of Elder Hughes and I. I'll tell y'all more next week!

Hope y'all have a great week!

Elder Jensen

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