Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mineral Wells Week 4 April 10, 2017 Week Ninety-two

Hey y'all!

I don't even know where to start this week. There were so many ups and so many downs that this week probably takes the prize for least consistent week of my mission. On the one hand, we had TONS of things cancel, including meals, lessons, and people that were going to come teach with us. There was a really weird companion exchange followed by an even weirder District Meeting where, weirdly enough, I have a training on a subject that I had given a training on the week before in District Meeting! People were rude, members weren't helpful, and the weather itself was inconsistent. All this is to say that I could feel justified in trying to call this one of the least successful weeks of my mission.....except if I did, I would definitely be lying to myself because this week was easily one of the best weeks of my mission.

I'll start off with the fact that we found seven new investigators!! We are stoked out of our minds. One of the reasons I'm so psyched is because once when I was with my trainer (who I still admire) I asked if we could set a goal of one new investigator a day for a week straight, and my usually optimistic trainer told me that we should set our sights a little lower. To be honest, he was right at the time- there was no way in THAT AREA for us to get seven new investigators in a week. However, the idea of hitting that has haunted me throughout the rest of my mission; this week was the first time I've ever hit it. Lots of good things happening here in Mineral Wells. To make the week even better, we had four investigators come to church! The Mejia family was out of town, but they attended church down in Houston and enjoyed every minute of it.

By far, the best part of the week was an impromptu lesson we had on Wednesday. My companion and I were eating dinner, we remembered our Branch President had asked us to come to the church because he wanted to introduce us to somebody. Turns out, this somebody was an eleven-year-old girl named Diane who wanted to speak with us. We found a place to sit down with her and began to teach her the first lesson. Things were going pretty well, and at the end of the lesson, I felt especially impressed to bring up Baptism. Turns out, that's ALL I got to do. Here's how it went: 

"As missionaries, one of the things we do is invite people to be bapti-"


"......................Wait, what?"

"Yes! When can I be baptized?"

We hurriedly check our calendars. "How about May 27th? Would you be baptized on that day?"


Yeah. That happened. It was the easiest Baptism date I've ever set, and she's also one of the most excited for it. We're going to be working with her and her family pretty intensely over the next few weeks to make sure she's ready for Baptism, but deep down we know that there's nothing that will get between her and following the example of her Savior. We just hope we'll both be around for it because transfers are here next week, and we could be transferred right after finding this golden investigator. In the end, it doesn't matter if we'll be here or not just so long as she IS baptized.

Hope y'all have a great week!

Elder Jensen

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