Sunday, January 5, 2020

Mineral Wells Week 13 June 5, 2017 Week Ninety-eight

Hey y'all!

I'm going to apologize in advance for this email being on the shorter side; I've been trying to work on stuff for BYU-I, and it has been a little more time consuming than I had originally assumed. This was a really good week though. We saw more miracles than I can count (not just because of the limited time), but the best of it all definitely came this last Thursday when we taught a woman named Eva. She had been found by Elder Rowley and another missionary while I was on exchange up in Graham, and she had agreed to meet with us again. We went to go teach her at the appointed time, and instead of teaching her about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is usually the first lesson we teach, we taught her about the Plan of Salvation. The Spirit was so strong! We felt prompted to invite her to be baptized, and when we did she said yes! We set a date with her for July 1st. We're hoping and praying that she'll make it, especially since many of the people that we have set baptism dates with are struggling to make it out to church. However, Elder Rowley and I know that as long as we do our part and leave the rest up to the Lord then we cannot fail.

Hope y'all have a great week!

Elder Jensen.

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