Friday, September 11, 2015

Busy! September 7, 2015 Week Ten

Hey y'all!
I've decided to formally start saying y'all. Before any of you make fun of me, think about it this way- English is one of the few languages in the world without a proper worder for you (plural). This week has been an interesting one. First off, it's Labor Day today, so that means the libraries are closed, which in turn means I didn't have a computer to email with. That brings me to the next crazy thing- I got the email on my iPad working! I'm pretty slow at typing on it, but now I can send y'all some pictures. 

The craziest thing that happened this week is way bigger than that though. I'm in the Woodland Springs 2nd Ward. The Woodland Springs 1st ward elders live down the stairs from us. This next transfer, one of them would be leaving, and the other was staying and would be there the next two transfers because he would be training. However, when the new Elders came in on Tuesday, they were one short. That meant that the Elder who was going to stay here got told that he would be training in a trio in another area with at 6 o' clock that day, which meant he and his companion had about 14 hours to pack up everything in their apartment and leave. Also, this means that we are now covering 2 wards, and we only had 51/2 hours notice! We now go to church for 6 1/2 hours, we have 2 Bishops & 2 Ward Mission Leaders to talk with, and twice as many investigators! Our schedules have been SUPER chaotic. That's okay, because our new investigators are awesome.
Aaugh! I ran out of time already! I hate typing on my iPad keyboard, it's so slow!
Hope you have a great day!
Elder Jensen.

I'm thoroughly convinced Toy Story takes place in Texas, 
because this is what the sky looks like almost every day.

This is what I looked like on the first day out here!

All the bugs here are huge! Sights like this aren't uncommon; fortunately that first one was dead. The other two photos are of a cicada shell. 
I had never seen one before, so it was cool to see and handle one.

Elder Griffin & I were out street contacting one day, and we found some guy 
working on a DeLorean in his driveway. I love the license plate!

Here's a photo with Elder Griffin, Greg (the French foreign exchange student), and me. It was after we taught him the third lesson, which was also our last with him.

I finally found some palm trees!

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